# General

Some methods are also available as REST API that will return a json object. To use the REST API make sure an authenticated session is active by logging in (use endpoint /Login).

The prefix for the url is /api/contactmanager.svc

For example: <url>/api/contactmanager.svc/SearchContactsByEmail?email=...

# GetAddress

GET /GetAddress/{ID}/{originatingCountryCode}

# GetAddress2

GET /GetAddress2/{ID}/{originatingCountryCode}

# GetAddresses

GET /GetAddresses/{ID}/{originatingCountryCode}

# GetAttendee

GET /GetAttendee/{ID}

# GetAttendees

GET /GetAttendees/{activityID}?numberOfRecords={numberOfRecords}

# GetAttendees2

GET /GetAttendees2/{activityID}

# GetCommunicationItems

GET /GetCommunicationItems/{ID}

# GetCompany

GET /GetCompany/{ID}

# GetCompany2

GET /GetCompany2/{ID}

# GetCompanyDepartment

GET /GetCompanyDepartment/{ID}

# GetContact

GET /GetContact/{ID}

# GetContact2

GET /GetContact2/{ID}

# GetContactByExternalID

GET /GetContactByExternalID/{type}/{application}/{externalID}

# GetContactLookupItems

GET /GetContactLookupItems/{id}/{fields}

# GetContacts

GET /GetContacts/{IDs}

# GetEmployee

GET /GetEmployee/{ID}

# GetEmployee2

GET /GetEmployee2/{ID}

# GetEmployees

GET /GetEmployees/{ID}

# GetExternalCode

GET /GetExternalCode/{ID}/{application}

# GetExternalID

GET /GetExternalID/{ID}/{application}

# GetIdentification

GET /GetIdentification/{ID}

# GetItem

GET /GetItem/{ID}

# GetItemByExternalID

GET /GetItemByExternalID/{type}/{application}/{externalID}

# GetItemsByEmailAddress

GET /GetItemsByEmailAddress/{emailaddresses}

# GetLocation

GET /GetLocation/{ID}

# GetLookupItem

GET /GetLookupItem/{type}/{ID}

# GetMatter

GET /GetMatter/{ID}

# GetMatter2

GET /GetMatter2/{ID}

# GetMatter3

GET /GetMatter3/{ID}

# GetMatters

GET /GetMatters/{ID}?includeRelated={includeRelated}&includeArchived={includeArchived}

# GetPerson

GET /GetPerson/{ID}

# GetPerson2

GET /GetPerson2/{ID}

# GetValues

GET /GetValues/{ID}/{fields}

# IsAuthenticated

GET /IsAuthenticated

# SearchContacts

GET /SearchContacts/{searchType}?q={searchValue}&top={numberOfRecords}

# SearchContactsByEmail

Return one or more contacts with an exact match on the email address. This will return an array of contact objects.

GET /SearchContactsByEmail?email={email}

# Response

        "AddressSummary": "",
        "AddressSummaryLong": "",
        "DisplayName": "",
        "EmailAddress": "",
        "Extra": null,
        "FaxNumber": null,
        "ID": "",
        "IsFolder": false,
        "LocationName": "",
        "MobileNumber": "",
        "ObjectType": "",
        "PhoneNumber": "",
        "Website": ""

# SearchContactsByPhone

Return one or more contacts with an exact match on the email address. This will return an array of contact objects.

GET /SearchContactsByPhone?phone=0612345678

# Response

        "Address": "",
        "CompanyID": null,
        "CompanyName": null,
        "CompanyPhoneNumber": null,
        "DisplayName": "",
        "EmailAddress": null,
        "FaxNumber": null,
        "FirstName": "",
        "Gender": "",
        "ID": "",
        "Initials": "",
        "Language": "",
        "LastName": "",
        "LastNamePrefix": "",
        "LastNamePrefixLastName": "",
        "MobileNumber": null,
        "ObjectType": "",
        "OtherNumber": null,
        "PersonID": "",
        "PersonName": "",
        "PhoneNumber": "",
        "ViewUrl": "",
        "Website": null

# Login

POST /Login?userName={{userName}}&password={{password}}

# Response

Will return true or false

# SaveSynchronizableRecord

POST /SaveSynchronizableRecord?id={id}&application={application}&externalID={externalID}&externalCode={externalCode}&markAsDirty={markAsDirty}
Last Updated: 10/7/2024, 3:25:58 PM